how much money is paid to swamp people on history channel

How much per episode does the swamp.
How much per episode does the swamp.
I'd do it for free. Just let me keep the bounty on the gators. I love that show.
Anyone who watches Swamp People knows that alligator hunters care about how much money they make. Sure, they hunt for their love of the land, but they do it for their
The expert alligator hunters on Swamp People can control some of what makes them successful in the swamp. They can keep their equipment in good condition, hire the

how much money is paid to swamp people on history channel
Swamp People: How much does a gator sell.
the swamp pp make around 50k a year but the season is only a month long so they make about 1500 a day on average. this is all on average, some skin and process their
How much does the history channel pay.
Swamp People: How much money does an.
Swamp People: How much money does an. 'Swamp People' Editors Strike History.